1st Discovery Session

Our first session as coachee and coach ! Preparation for this session includes a detailed and comprehensive discovery questionnaire in order to know you better and coach you more effectively.


2nd Discovery Session

A session to reflect on the values that make you who you are. This session includes a questionnaire that I will send you beforehand to prepare our time together.


Regular Coaching Session

Our regular sessions once we are done with 1st Discovery and 2nd Discovery sessions. Book them one at a time or in a row. A 2-week span between each session is recommended.


1st Discovery Session

Our first session as coachee and coach ! Preparation for this session includes a detailed and comprehensive discovery questionnaire in order to know you better and coach you more effectively.


2nd Discovery Session

A session to reflect on the values that make you who you are. This session includes a questionnaire that I will send you beforehand to prepare our time together.


Regular Coaching Session

Our regular sessions once we are done with 1st Discovery and 2nd Discovery sessions. Book them one at a time or in a row. A 2-week span between each session is recommended.


1st Discovery Session

Our first session as coachee and coach ! Preparation for this session includes a detailed and comprehensive discovery questionnaire in order to know you better and coach you more effectively.


2nd Discovery Session

A session to reflect on the values that make you who you are. This session includes a questionnaire that I will send you beforehand to prepare our time together.


Regular Coaching Session

Our regular sessions once we are done with 1st Discovery and 2nd Discovery sessions. Book them one at a time or in a row. A 2-week span between each session is recommended.


How do I book my sessions ?

1st Discovery Session

This will be our first session as coachee and coach ! As such, as soon as you’ve scheduled it, I will send you a detailed and comprehensive discovery questionnaire in order to know you better and coach you more effectively. You will be asked about how you and your closed ones perceive you, your goals, your personal history, your job and how you see our coaching partnership. Don’t worry if you feel your answers are not perfect ! The idea is to know where we are, in order for us to walk towards where you want to be.

2nd Discovery Session

This session will invite you to reflect on your values. Without them, you would not be you. Our values help us make choices about what we commit to in our lives. If you commit time and energy to something that violates or neglects one of your core values, you will start to feel resentful and frustrated. The goal is to identify when that happens to avoid it in the future, rather channeling your time and energy towards actions that are aligned with your most cherished values. We will explore your answers to the Value Discovery Questionnaire you will receive once you book the session and discuss of ways to keep you aligned with these guiding principles.

Regular Coaching Session

Our regular sessions once we are done with 1st and 2nd Discovery Sessions! As per our coaching agreement, I will challenge you to come to each session with insights, achievements and thoughts as you clarify and realise your goals, moving steadily toward living the life you want to live.

How to schedule a session ?

Your coaching journey

Your coaching package includes 12 sessions in total divided into 3 different types :

  • 1st Discovery Session
  • 2nd Discovery Session
  • Regular Coaching Session

6-month Coaching Packages include one 1st Discovery Session, one 2nd Discovery Session and 10 Regular Coaching Sessions. 6-month Mentoring Package include 12 Regular Sessions.

Choose the session you want to book

If you have a Coaching Package, book 1st Discovery Session first, 2nd Discovery Session second, and then Regular Coaching Sessions.

Click “Redeem package or Gift Certificate”

Enter the unique redeem code you received in your package purchase confirmation email OR enter the email address you used when purchasing your package. You will then see how many sessions you have left on your package. Alternatively, if you created an account when buying the package, you can log in to your account and see your remaining sessions.

Set your time zone in the dropdown menu

Then click “Set time zone”.

Choose a day and time for your session

Navigate in the calendar to pick up your preferred day. For convenience, you can also go to a specific month directly using the left and right arrows next to the month field. Once you clicked on a day, click on the time that works best for you. Then click “Continue”.

NB : You can also book multiple sessions :

  • For Regular Coaching Sessions only, you can click “Recurring” to set a recurring day and time for your sessions. For example, you can set your future sessions to be on Mondays at 10 am. Read below for further instructions.

Enter your information

If you’re logged in, your information should already be there.

If you’re not logged in, please fill in the form using the same information you provided when purchasing your package. It is very important that your information be the same otherwise you may not receive questionnaires, notes and other important coaching material needed for our sessions. I strongly recommend that you create an account with me when offered to at the end of the booking process, ideally when you book your first sessions. It’ll be that much easier to book the remaining sessions afterwards since your information will already be filled. You will also have a clear view of how many sessions remain in your package.

How to schedule multiple and recurring sessions ?

Schedule multiple sessions in a row

You may schedule as many sessions in a row as remain in your package. After selecting your preferred date and time for the 1st session, click “Add a Time” on the dropdown menu instead of “Continue”. You will then be brought back to the session selecting menu and the chosen date and time for the 1st session will be added to the right as shown on the attached screen caption. You may then book another session. At any time you may discard any session by clicking the bin icon. The session will then not be booked and thus not deducted from your package. Repeat this process until all your remaining sessions are booked or until you are satisfied with your booking, then click “Continue” to confirm all of your sessions.

Schedule recurring sessions

If you want to set a recurring day and time for some or all of your Regular Coaching Sessions, click “Recurring” instead of “Continue” after having selected a day and time for your 1st session. You will then be asked how many sessions you want to book as Recurring sessions. I recommend to book Regular Coaching Sessions that way as they will become an integral part of your weekly schedule and daily life, but you may book only some of your sessions as Recurring sessions and the rest at different days and time, either one by one or in a a row as explained above.